Sunday, May 26, 2013

The Purpose of Planning Time: How to Make the Day Seemless


  1. I am passionately curious about your FDK program!
    I thought this might be a post about your marvellous dance inquiry, but this is also a nice surprise, one I will be sharing widely with other friends who are embarking on the DK journey next year or the last year (like me). This sounds ideal, and it's so often the topic of conversation amongst K teachers when we are in a group, so to hear your school is proactively spelling out what is appropriate: swoon!

    That book sounds fantastic. Summer reading list just keeps growing!

    And that last note about grade one readiness... Thank you! I suppose it will take time before that comment is seen as nearsighted. It's up to us to trumpet the successes and skills of our students, but it can be discouraging at times to think of how the play is seen as, well, "just play". The students are so lucky to have you, and the entire team who work with them. Great post, you two!

  2. Hi,

    I am being interviewed for a Kindergarten Planning Time position and I was wondering if there is anything in particular that I should be discussing during my interview. I read most of your blogs on FDK and found them very helpful.


  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Do you have an email I can contact you please Tracy? Thanks!

  5. I am highly curious about what a "Kindergarten Planning Time Teacher" is! I have not hear this term here in the States. A Google search revealed nothing. Any ideas for learning by more? It sounds like what we would call our "Specialist Teachers" (P.E., Library, Dance, Music, Art, and World Languages). Is this particular to FDK?

  6. Our Planning Time teacher is what you would refer to as a Specialist Teacher. I think the definition varies between cities, countries and even school boards! In Ontario, we refer to these teachers are planning time teachers.
